See reljeefne ehk 3D heegeldamine hakkas mulle külge juba ammu. Proovisin teha mõned linikud ja nuputasin erinevaid vigureid. Mulle kangesti meeldib kuidas lihtsalt sambaid kombineerides saab neid eripidi keerates luua niipalju uusi ja erinevaid mustreid.  Igast tasapinnalisest mustrist saab luua mitu erinevat varianti.

The 3D aka relief crochet facinated me already few times ago. I tried some doilies first and figured out different pattern tricks. I love it how just using the simple pillars there are so many different variations to create new patterns. Even each usual pattern can be transformed to several new variations.

Edasi juhtus see, mis minuga alati juhtub: sündis kleit. Mul on ikka nii, et niikui ma heegelnõela poole vaatan, siis kohe vägisi tuleb kleit. Selline vanaroosa, pehme, hästi korrutatud lõng jäi näppu ja saigi kaelaaugust alustatud. Töö käigus ise ka huviga jälgisin, mis sealt heegelnõela seest tuleb. Seekord tuli selline. Koos varrukatega.

Next happenedd what happens to me a lot: a dress was born. Each time I even give a glance to the crochet hook, a dress is made. Found this pale pink, soft cotton yarn and started from the top. During the process it was interesting to follow what my hook was creating. This time it came out like this. With sleeves.

See 3D tehnika on palju lihtsam kui ta esmapilgul tundub. Mõtlesin kirjutada ka juhendi mõnele esialgu lihtsamale mustrile, aga ma väga uhkelt veel veksleid välja ei loobi. Nende heegelmustritega on see häda, et nende kirjutamine võtab kaks korda rohkem aega kui heegeldamine ise. Ja selle 3D puhul on tingmärkidega mustri edasiandmine veel eriti keerukas. Ilmselt tuleb hoopis videojuhendi peale mõelda. Las tütar harjutab veel videomonteerimist.

The 3D technique is so much easier that it appears. I have been thinking about writing a pattern for some easier motifs but I wont give any firm promises yet.The crochet patterns are pretty annoying as they take so much more effort to write than to crochet. And the 3D symbols are even trickier. So I think I must consider about some video tutorials. I let my daughter to practice video editing meanwhile.