Vivrut Handmade Jewelry

It happens often that there is this one bead that starts a conversation with me and tells me know what it wants to become. And there it goes, grabbing different colours and materials on its way and Volia! – a jewelry item is born. Sometimes there is a dress or outfit that almost screams for its own jewelry piece and it is made.

Inspiration takes its course always to the 1920s and takes either the whole idea or only a tiny detail from there.

Every jewelry piece is unique and one-of-a-kind like jazz music. Even if I try to make two similar items then something comes out different.

How can be born your special jewelry piece:

  • Look around in Vivrut Jewelry gallery. Find the details that come up to you. I will create then that very special item just for you.

  • Take a dress or outfit with you that needs its own jewelry piece. We will find together the right beads, colours and design.

  • Tell me your idea or image. Lets make it real together!

Jewelry is the thing that gives the final finishing for an outfit. Jewelry tells a story about you and carries through your message.

A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls!